The AMASES annual membership fee is intended for the solar year, that is to say that the covered period runs from January 1st to December 31st. It includes a free subscription to the “Decisions in Economics and Finance: a Journal of Applied Mathematics”, as well as the other individual benefits summarized in the Membership Benefits Page.
A reduced AMASES annual membership fee is offered to the following categories:
- young members up to 30 years old
(e.g. in year 2021 young members born after January 1st, 1991)
Moreover, it is possible to add the payment of the European Mathematica Society (EMS) reduced membership fee, thus becoming both AMASES and EMS member.
The membership fees paid by 14/03 of each year are:
- 50€ – ordinary annual membership fee
- 25€ – reduced annual membership fee
- 90€ – ordinary annual membership fee (€50) + EMS annual membership fee (€40)
Late payments (after 14/03) are:
- 60€ – ordinary annual membership fee
- 30€ – reduced annual membership fee
- 100€ – ordinary annual membership fee (€60) + EMS annual membership fee (€40)
Payment accepted: Bank transfer
Account holder: Associazione per la Matematica applicata alle Scienze Economiche e Sociali
Bank account number: 100000129101
Bank: Intesa SanPaolo, branch office in Milan, p.zza Paolo Ferrari 10, Milan 20121.
IBAN: IT24Q0306909606100000129101
Please, fill clearly the description field of the bank transfer first placing your name
(for example : “Johnson Michael – Fee 2021”)