Deadline for reduced participation fee and for extended abstract submission

By | May 21, 2014

Organizing Committee would like to inform all AMASES-AIRO-SIMAI members that May 31, 2014 is the deadline to submit the reduced participation fee for the 38th National Conference of the Association for Mathematics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences, which will take place in University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria from 4 to 6 September 2014.  The participation fee offers all participants a wide range of services, the list of which is available at the following link. After May 31, it is possible to register by paying the regular fees untill the indicated deadline on the website of Conference.

Please remember that May 31 2014 is also the deadline for Extended Abstract submission to AMASES Scientific Committee. Extended abstract has to be related to one of the following topics: Financial Mathematics, Decision Theory, Mathematics for Economics, Actuarial Mathematics, Game Theory, Optimization and Economics. The selected extended abstract will be presented during the parallel sessions of the 38th National Conference AMASES.

The registration form for participation in the conference is available at:

In the website you can find detailed information about the extended abstract submission, the best way to reach the venue, accommodation discounts, and useful tips to enjoy the city.

We look forward to seeing you in Reggio Calabria!

The Organizing Commitee