Category Archives: News

Video of XXXVIII Meeting

AMASES Award 2014: Report European Mathematical Society Council 2014: Discussione AMASES Valutazione e ASN: Documenti con gli interventi:

Decisions in Economics and Finance

Title: Decisions in Economics and Finance Publishing company: Springer Editor-in-Chief: Paolo Ghirardato   ISSN: 1593-8883 (print version) ISSN: 1129-6569 (electronic version) Journal no. 10203   Decisions in Economics and Finance is the official publication of the Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences (AMASES). The journal provides a specialized forum for the publication of research in all areas… Read More »

Decisions in Economics and Finance Download

Publishing company: Springer Editor-in-Chief: Paolo Ghirardato   ISSN: 1593-8883 (print version) ISSN: 1129-6569 (electronic version) Journal no. 10203   Download papers  (Download available for AMASES Members)

Elenco dei progetti PRIN 2012 finanziati

Cari Soci, all'indirizzo trovate il decreto ministeriale con l'elenco dei progetti PRIN 2012 finanziati. Antonella Basso

Call for papers Convegno AMASES: special session Economics

At the Annual Meeting of the Association For Mathematics Applied to Economic and Social Sciences (AMASES), which will take place from 4 to 6 September 2014 at the University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria, there will be organized, in collaboration with the Italian Economic Association (SIE), a "Special Session Economics". The idea is to bring together papers both from… Read More »

Premio per il miglior lavoro presentato al Convegno AMASES 2014

Anche quest'anno l'associazione AMASES ha deciso di istituire un premio di ricerca per giovani studiosi, al fine di promuovere lo studio della Matematica applicata alle Scienze Economiche e Sociali e di incentivare la ricerca di eccellenza. Il bando riguarda il miglior lavoro che verrà presentato al prossimo Convegno Nazionale Amases 2014 e scade il 31 maggio 2014.  … Read More »

Risultati elezioni cariche sociali

Risultano eletti: Presidente: BASILE Achille (voti 169) Comitato scientifico: GRECO Salvatore (voti 94) CONSIGLIO Andrea (voti 94) BISCHI Gian Italo (voti 88) ALLEVI MANZONI Elisabetta (voti 82) CACCIAFESTA Fabrizio (voti 81) PELLIZZARI Paolo (77) Collegio revisori dei conti: PECCATI Lorenzo (voti 122) ROSSI Guido Antonio (voti 82) MORETTO Enrico (voti 75)

Deadline for reduced participation fee and for extended abstract submission

Organizing Committee would like to inform all AMASES-AIRO-SIMAI members that May 31, 2014 is the deadline to submit the reduced participation fee for the 38th National Conference of the Association for Mathematics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences, which will take place in University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria from 4 to 6 September 2014.  The participation fee offers… Read More »

Summer School in Economics and Finance – Canazei 2014

AMASES and the Department of Economics of the University of Verona organize the SUMMER SCHOOL in ECONOMICS AND FINANCE – CANAZEI 2014 The school is aimed for advanced graduate students, PhD students, post-docs, junior and senior faculty members, professionals and will be held in Alba di Canazei, Val di Fassa (Trento), Italy on July 14-18, 2014. Topics: ECONOMIC… Read More »