The main reasons for joining the “Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences” may be:
- to enter the community of matematicians applied to social and economic sciences;
- to encourage italian applied mathematicians to cooperate;
- to support the effort to get backing for applied mathematics from the academic institutions and the financial and industrial organizations.
Moreover, there are various individual membership benefits as well:
- the free subscription to the “Decisions in Economics and Finance” (DEF) journal;
- the possibility to attend the annual meeting which gather the main researchers in the field of the mathematics applied to economics, finance and actuarial sciences and to summer schools organized for young researchers;
- the subscription to the mailing list of AMASES members that allows to receive information on seminars, workshops, meetings and university jobs;
- the possibility to use the mailing list to send relevant informations to the other members;
- access to a reserved area of AMASES web site with informations and services dedicated to members.