41st Annual Meeting of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Economic and Social Sciences (AMASES)
Cagliari, September 14-16, 2017 The meeting is organized with the support of the Department of Economics and Business of the University of Cagliari. As in the AMASES established tradition, the purpose of meeting is to stimulate discussion among scholars and practitioners from Italy and all around the world, on different aspects of Mathematics applied to Economic and… Read More »
Call for Abstracts AMASES 2017
AMASES DESP – Department of Economics, Society, Politics, University of Urbino Department of Economics, University of Verona jointly organize the Summer School in Economics and Finance SSEF Canazei 2017 Alba di Canazei, Trento – Italy, July 17-21, 2017 DYNAMIC MODELS IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE
Risultati delle votazioni per il rinnovo delle cariche sociali 2017-2019
I votanti sono stati 298, pari al 64.2% degli aventi diritto al voto. RISULTATI Presidente VISCOLANI Bruno (voti 154) Comitato scientifico: FUSAI Gianluca (voti 142) GRECO Salvatore (voti 128) PELLIZZARI Paolo (voti 126) ALLEVI Elisabetta (voti 119) FERRARA Massimiliano (voti 109) MAMMANA Cristiana (voti 89) Collegio revisori dei conti: PECCATI Lorenzo (voti 184) ROSSI Guido Antonio (voti 124) SALINELLI… Read More »
Marida Bertocchi AMASES AWARD 2017
A proposal to the Italian Government to actively support Research in Italy (IT)
Lettera al Presidente del Consiglio.pdf
Candidatura Gianluca Fusai
Gianluca Fusai lettera sostegno.pdf Gianluca Fusai CV.pdf
Candidatura Arsen Palestini
Arsen Palestini candidatura.pdf Arsen Palestini lettera sostegno.pdf Arsen Palestini CV.pdf
Candidatura Cristiana Mammana
Cristina Mammana lettera sostegno.pdf Cristiana Mammana CV.pdf