Home Page – Plenary Sessions – Parallel Sessions – Abstract Submission

Scholars are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 2000 characters (spaces included) in PDF format.
Deadline for submission is August 31st, 2021.
In order to help us in producing a uniform e-book of abstracts, we kindly ask you to submit your Extended Abstract by following this format (the same used for AMASES 2019 conference) : LaTeX template – pdf example
Recall that required information include: title, authors, affiliation (for each author), institution address (for each author), e-mail address (for each author).
In particular, please check that the abstract length is below 2000 characters (not a full paper hence), with at most five references and one to five keywords.
If the abstract is devoted to one of the organized parallel sessions/clusters then the title of the session/cluster and the name of the organizer have to be provided at the end of the abstract itself. If no session/cluster is provided in the abstract then the session will be decided by the organizing committee.
The abstract submission Web page for AMASES 2021 is: