Padova, September 18, 2020
The meeting is organized and supported by the Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita” of the University of Padova.
As in the AMASES established tradition, the purpose of the meeting is to stimulate discussion among scholars and practitioners from Italy and all around the world, on different aspects of Mathematics applied to Economic and Social Sciences. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the AMASES 2020 conference is organized in remote mode and is reduced in size. Nevertheless, some of the activities characterizing the AMASES annual conferences are guaranteed: Invited Speakers, “Best Paper Award” Special Session, General Assembly. The language of the conference is English.
Scientific Committee
B. Viscolani (President)
M. Ferrara
G. Fusai
M. Gaudenzi
C. Mammana (Vice president)
G. Pacelli
M. Squillante
R. Cambini (General Secretary)
Organizing Committee
L. Grosset (President)
A. Buratto
G. Callegaro
R. Cambini
C. Fontana
M. Grasselli
E. Sartori
T. Vargiolu
B. Viscolani
Technical Support: M. Barontini, A. Simion
The program of the conference is available here.
Some of the recorded talks are available to A.M.A.S.E.S. members in this secured page.
The Invited Speaker are:

Andreas Tsanakas
Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance, The Business School (formerly Cass),
City University of London
“Sensitivity Analysis: From Scenario Weights to Dependence Cascades”

Piero Manfredi
Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa
“Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases: from Sir Ronald Ross to COVID-19”

Salvatore Greco
Department of Economics and Business, University of Catania
“The Robust Ordinal Regression and the constructive approach of Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding”
The event will be streamed via the Zoom platform provided by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Padova. All the people interested in attending the meeting are kindly invited to:
- fill in the registration form at the following address: https://tinyurl.com/amases2020
- download the free Zoom client (if not already installed) from the following address: https://zoom.us/download
A raw program of the event is the following:
- morning of September 18 (09:00-12:30): one Invited Speaker (A. Tsanakas) followed by the “Best Paper Award” Special Session
- afternoon of September 18 (14:00-18:15): two Invited Speakers (P. Manfredi and S. Greco) followed by the General Assembly
Attending the event is free for all the registered people. Clearly, the General Assembly is for AMASES members only.
The four young members participating in the “Best Paper Award” Special Session are:
- Cordoni Francesco: “Instabilities in multi-asset and multi-agent market impact games”
- Flora Maria: “Fragility of financial markets: the Italian debt not-so-flash crash”
- Scognamiglio Salvatore: “Time-series forecasting of mortality rates using deep learning”
- Urbinati Niccolò: “Walrasian objection mechanism and Mas Colell’s bargaining set in economies with many commodities”