Department of Social and Economic Science
Sapienza University of Rome
jointly organize the
Economic, Social and Financial Networks (ESFN)
Sapienza University of Rome — Building CU002 (Ex Scienze Politiche)
DATES: September 4-6, 2023
The last 25 years have witnessed a booming growth of interest toward the use of complex networks as a foundational tool to describe many social and economic systems since the structure of interactions has been shown to be critical in understanding collective and emerging phenomena. Importantly, complex networks offer avenues for methodological and mathematical research well beyond their versatility for modelling and exploring applied science contexts. Different disciplines have significantly contributed to the establishment of such a new paradigm and the school will present lectures from distinguished scholars in different fields.
Locandina Summer School ESFN 2023 (958 downloads)
The school’s aims are twofold. First, it aims at presenting a comprehensive view of the theoretical aspects of network theory, including graph theoretical concepts, probabilistic approaches, and combinatorial methods. The second aim is to present the effectiveness of such an approach to social, economic and financial systems, including systemic risk, polarization in social media, and financial time series.
The main target group is composed of PhD students and young postdocs working in quantitative areas. Younger (e.g. master students) and older (e.g. young researchers) will be considered as a potential audience.
- Rosanna Grassi, (Università di Milano-Bicocca) — Network structures and topological indicators
- Guido Caldarelli (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) — Financial networks
- Roberto Casarin (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) — Network extraction and modelling
- Fabrizio Lillo (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna) — Statistical and probabilistic models of static and temporal networks
- Walter Quattrociocchi (Sapienza Università di Roma) — Networks and Echo Chambers: Polarization Dynamics on Social Media
- Michele Tumminello (Università di Palermo) — Combinatorics and networks for the empirical analysis of financial and social systems
- €250 for non-AMASES members (includes AMASES membership)
- €225 for AMASES members
The program fee includes all coffee breaks and light lunches.
- 20th of July: application deadline (limited availability, on the basis of first come first served)
- 25th of July: notification of acceptance
- 30th of July: deadline for registration and payment
Summer school fee can be paid via
- Paypal.ME (click here) or
- Bank Transfer (see details below)
Account holder: Associazione per la Matematica applicata alle Scienze Economiche e Sociali
Bank account number: 100000129101
Bank: Intesa SanPaolo, branch office in Milan, p.zza Paolo Ferrari 10, Milan 20121.
IBAN: IT24Q0306909606100000129101
Please, fill clearly the description field of the bank transfer first placing your name
(for example : “Johnson Michael – AMASES Summer School 2023”)
To apply for the Summer School, please send your candidature along with your CV to Roy Cerqueti and Fabrizio Lillo.
September 4th
8.30 — 9.00 Welcome address
9.00 — 10.30 Guido Caldarelli/ 1
10.30 — 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 — 12.30 Guido Caldarelli / 2
12.30 — 14.30 Light lunch
14.30 — 16.00 Rosanna Grassi / 1
16.00 — 16.30 Tea break
16.30 — 18.00 Rosanna Grassi / 2
September 5th
9.30 — 11.00 Roberto Casarin / 1
11.00 — 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 — 13.00 Roberto Casarin / 2
13.00 — 14.30 Light lunch
14.30 — 16.00 Fabrizio Lillo / 1
16.00 — 16.30 Tea break
16.30 — 18.00 Fabrizio Lillo / 2
September 6th
9.30 — 11.00 Michele Tumminello / 1
11.00 — 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 — 13.00 Michele Tumminello / 2
13.00 — 14.30 Light lunch
14.30 — 16.00 Walter Quattrociocchi / 1
16.00 — 16.30 Tea break
16.30 — 18.00 Walter Quattrociocchi / 2