Call for Submissions AMASES Award
1. The Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Economic and Social Sciences (AMASES) establishes a prize for the best paper presented at the XXXIX National AMASES Conference which will be held from 10th to 12th September, 2015 in Padova (Italy).
2. The Prize, for an amount equal to 1000 Euro, is reserved to members of the AMASES association born after January 1, 1985 that personally present the paper, at the Conference; the paper may have multiple coauthorships.
3. The aspirants to the award must regularly subscribe to the Conference and send to the AMASES Scientific Committee, within June 15, 2015, the article with which they wish to participate. The article must be in its complete version (abstracts or extended abstracts will not be taken into consideration).
4. The prize is awarded according to the final judgment of the AMASES Scientific Committee with the following procedure: the authors of the 4 articles judged by the Scientific Committee to be the most deserving will be invited to present their contribution in a special session of the Conference. They will also be refunded the Conference registration fee. In the identification of the winner, the AMASES Scientific Committee will also take into account the quality of the presentations. The awards ceremony will take place in the course of the General Meeting of AMASES members.
5. In case the Scientific Committee does not deem the papers presented of appropriate scientific value, it may decide to not proclaim winners. At most two ex aequo winners are possible.
6. The application, together with the submission of the full paper as provided in paragraph 3 of this notice (attached in PDF format), must be sent by e-mail within June 15, 2015 to the AMASES
General Secretary, Prof. Antonella Basso (e-mail address basso@unive.it), and in cc to the address amases@unibocconi.it.
April 7, 2015
The General Secretary prof. Antonella Basso
The President prof. Achille Basile
Presso Dipartimento di Scienze delle Decisioni, Università Bocconi, via Röntgen, 1 – 20136 Milano – Italia
e-mail: amases@unibocconi.it – tel: +39 02 5836.5632 – fax: +39 02 5836.5630 – Fondata nel 1976