Call for papers Convegno AMASES: special session Economics

By | December 23, 2014

At the Annual Meeting of the Association For Mathematics Applied to Economic and Social Sciences (AMASES), which will take place from 4 to 6 September 2014 at the University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria, there will be organized, in collaboration with the Italian Economic Association (SIE), a "Special Session Economics".

The idea is to bring together papers both from economists using mathematical instruments in a significant way and from mathematicians who work on economic theories and models. In particular, there will be welcome also semi-finite papers as it may be useful to present an economic paper where the author could take advantage of a discussion with mathematicians who are experts on the mathematical tool involved, as well as the same may hold for a paper with mathematical origin for which the author might appreciate a discussion and assessment of possible applications in economics.

The authors of accepted papers who are not members of AMASES will be exempted from paying the participation fee.

Those interested should submit an extended abstract within May 31st 2014 to